Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune
Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune is here simply to help you realize your Buddhahood. You are a Buddha, but you have forgotten. Just remembering, recognition and you are Buddha again. We welcome you to join our Meditations, Celebrations and other groups for the growth of your consciousness.
This place introduces you to yourself through simple methods so as to attain one’s center. Here, sharing of your authentic experiences will be respected and accepted. The commune is simply a loving togetherness of fellow travelers, who are working on themselves.
For more information please visit http://oshobodhisattva.com/
Osho Om Boddhisatva Commune
108, Post Office Road, Clement Town Dehradun – 248001. Uttarakhand INDIA
Phone – +91-135-2642535, +91-135-6537071
Mobile – +91 99 97 326174
Kindly call between 10 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 6 PM
email – oshoom33@gmail.com
Osho Ashram Osho Ashram in Dehradun Osho Meditation Center Osho Om Bodhisatva Commune