Osho Says

Osho Says

Here you can find many Osho Quotes on various topics like, Meditation, Love, Peace, Samadhi, Joy, Creativity, Life and Enlightenment etc.

If you take the responsibility for your life

“If you take the responsibility for your life you can start changing it. Slow will be the change, only in the course of time will you start; moving into the world of light and crystallization, but once you are crystallized you will know what real revolution is. Then share your revolution with others; it has to go that way, from heart to heart” – Osho

My sannyasins have to become the first rays of the sun

“My sannyasins have to become the first rays of the sun that is going to come on the horizon. It is a tremendous task, it is an almost impossible task, but because it is impossible it is going to seduce all those who have any soul left in them.” – Osho

God can find you only in one way

God can find you only in one way, only in one way can He find you, and that is your inner flowering: as He wanted you to be. Unless you find your spontaneity, unless you find your element, you cannot be happy. And if you cannot be happy, you cannot be meditative. ~ Osho

The buddha is already breathing in you. Just a little recognition

The buddha is already breathing in you. Just a little recognition, just a little turning
inwards… and that has not to be done forcibly. If you do it forcibly you will miss the point. It is very delicate. You have to look inward playfully, not seriously. That’s what he means by “taking things easily.” Don’t take anything seriously. – Osho

Just live the moment with intensity and totality

Just live the moment with intensity and totality. Live it with as much joy as possible, with as much love as possible, with no fear, no guilt.
This existence is yours and this moment is a gift, don’t let it go to waste.- Osho

Unless the dance begins, life remains futile.

“Unless the dance begins, life remains futile. And He is always ready, inviting, calling you forth, “Come! Come follow me! Come, be in dance with me! Come, let me dance in you! Come, like a river comes to the ocean!” – Osho

I emphasize the here now

“I emphasize the here now. Don’t let this moment slip by unused, unlived, unpenetrated; squeeze all that you can out of it. Live it passionately and with intensity, so you need not repent later on that you missed your life.” ~ Osho

A loving person simply loves, just as an alive person breathes

“To flow and grow in love needs no perfection. Love has no-thing to do with the other. A loving person simply loves, just as an alive person breathes and drinks and eats and sleeps. Exactly like that a really alive person, a loving person, loves.” – Osho

A real prayer

“A real prayer has nothing to suggest to God except a deep gratitude, thankfulness. It simply accepts whatsoever God is pouring. Prayer is receiving the gift.” – Osho

Osho Quotes / Osho Says

  • Osho Quotes on Love
  • Osho Quotes on Prayer
  • Osho Quotes on God
  • Osho Quotes on Freedom
  • Osho Quotes on Mind
  • Osho Quotes on Peace
  • Osho Quotes on Happiness
  • Osho Quotes on Meditation
  • Osho Quotes on Silence 

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