Osho Says
Here you can find many Osho Quotes on various topics like, Meditation, Love, Peace, Samadhi, Joy, Creativity, Life and Enlightenment etc.
The heart is the centre
“The heart is the centre where love happens, birth happens, death happens. When death happens it is the heart that stops. When love happens it is the heart that dances. When birth happens it is the heart that starts beating. All that is real happens in the heart and all that is unreal happens in the mind. The mind is the faculty for the unreal, for the fictitious, for the games.
So the only transformation that is needed by Sufism is how to shift your energy from the mind to the heart.” – Osho
If your consciousness is clean, pure, innocent
“If your consciousness is clean, pure, innocent, the moment is not far away when you will explode into a luminous splendor.
That’s what is known as enlightenment, or awakening, or self-realization.” – Osho
Meditation is not like a talent. It is like breathing
“Meditation is not like a talent. It is like breathing — everybody has it, whether they know it or not. Whether you are breathing rightly is another thing, but everybody can breathe, because without it, nobody can be. It is simply natural. One has just to recognise its spontaneous flow.” – Osho
If you have meditated, your meditation remains
“If you have loved, then your love remains.
If you have meditated, your meditation remains.
Whatsoever you have gained in the inner world remains ” – Osho
Become natural, spontaneous, and aware
“Once you have become natural, spontaneous, and aware, the unstruck drum of eternity will be heard. The unstruck drum of eternity, that’s what in Zen they call the sound of one hand clapping. In India they call it the ANAHAT NAD — the unstruck drum.” ~ Osho
If you are in touch with your own being
“If you are in touch with your own being, you will always be able to touch other people’s hearts. In fact that is secondary. If you are deeply in touch with yourself, you will immediately become in touch with others’ hearts and being.” ~ Osho
The real, superior man conquers himself
“The real, superior man conquers himself; that is the way of religion.” – Osho
Meditation will take away all possessiveness
“Passion has to go through the whole process of meditation to become compassion. Meditation will take away all possessiveness, ownership, jealousy, and will leave only the pure essence, the very perfume of love.” – Osho
Buddhahood means the mirror clean of dust.
“You have not lost your Buddhahood. Buddha hood means the mirror clean of dust. The mirror again fresh, again reflecting, again functioning — that’s what Buddhahood is. Buddhahood means a consciousness which has become awakened.” – Osho
Meditation follows you
“Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know, meditation follows you. ” – Osho
The whole art of meditation
“The whole art of meditation is, how to leave the personality easily, move to the center, and be not a person. Just to be and not be a person is the whole art of meditation, the whole art of inner ecstasy.” – Osho
To live blissfully is the only true prayer
“To live blissfully is the only true prayer, the only true religion.” – Osho
Meditation is just a courage to be silent and alone
“Meditation is just a courage to be silent and alone. Slowly slowly, you start feeling a new quality to yourself, a new aliveness, a new beauty, a new intelligence which is not borrowed from anybody, which is growing within you. It has roots in your existence.” ~ Osho
The more attentive you are
“The more attentive you are, the more intensely attentive you are, the more your life will start changing. And this will be a change that you are not bringing to it. It will happen on its own accord; it will be a natural growth, spontaneous.” – Osho
The first function of a Master
“The first function of a Master is to look into your potentiality because that is decisive — not your armour, not your character, not you on the surface, but you in the deepest core of your being. You as God has created you, not you as the society or you yourself have created you. Only from that point do things start growing” – Osho
Language is for non-lovers, those who are not in love
“Language is for non-lovers, those who are not in love. For lovers, silence is enough language. Without saying anything, they go on speaking.” – Osho
Life does not consist of fantastic things.
“Life does not consist of fantastic things. It consists of very small things, but when you have no expectation, those small things turn into fantastic things.” – Osho
As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows
“As your silence grows; your friendliness, your love grows; your life becomes a moment-to-moment dance, a joy, a celebration.” – Osho
Only a loving heart can touch the heart of existence.
“Only a loving heart can touch the heart of existence.
The mind is shallow and superficial.
Allow the heart to sing it’s song. Even if the mind condemns it, don’t bother about the mind.” – Osho
A real saint is one whose heart is always in a state of singing
“Don’t make religion a serious phenomenon; it is not. It is much closer to playfulness than to seriousness. A real saint is one whose heart is always in a state of singing, whose very breath is a dance.” ~ Osho
Osho Quotes / Osho Says
- Osho Quotes on Love
- Osho Quotes on Prayer
- Osho Quotes on God
- Osho Quotes on Freedom
- Osho Quotes on Mind
- Osho Quotes on Peace
- Osho Quotes on Happiness
- Osho Quotes on Meditation
- Osho Quotes on Silence
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