Osho Says

Osho Says

Here you can find many Osho Quotes on various topics like, Meditation, Love, Peace, Samadhi, Joy, Creativity, Life and Enlightenment etc.

The first function of a Master

“The first function of a Master is to look into your potentiality because that is decisive — not your armour, not your character, not you on the surface, but you in the deepest core of your being. You as God has created you, not you as the society or you yourself have created you. Only from that point do things start growing” – Osho

Find ecstasy within yourself.

“Find ecstasy within yourself. It is not out there. It is in your innermost flowering.
The one you are looking for is you. You are the traveler and you are the destination. In experiencing the ecstasy of your own being, you have achieved the final goal.” – Osho

If you understand mediation then that is enough

“If you understand mediation then that is enough, sitting silently anywhere you can fall into meditativeness.
And remember that meditativeness is not action but a state of SILENCE, a state of inaction when everything stops, all movement disappears, and you are in a total REST.” ~ Osho

Joy is nothing but a shadow of aliveness

“Great courage is certainly needed to go into the unknown, to risk the known. But out of courage joy arises, because out of courage you become more alive. And joy is nothing but a shadow of aliveness; and sadness is a shadow of deadness.” – Osho

Who is an awakened man?

“Who is an awakened man?
One who has come to know what is dream, one who has come to know what is not dream.” – Osho

The creative person comes closest to god

“God is not against life, god is life; god is not against beauty, god is the ultimate beauty. God is the very heart of existence and god is the creator. The only way to participate in his space is to create something.
The creative person comes closest to god. ” ~ Osho

The life is just an opportunity to realize the goal.

“LIFE IN ITSELF IS NOT THE GOAL. The goal surpasses life. The life is just an opportunity to realize the goal. The goal is hidden deep in life; you cannot find it on the surface. You will have to penetrate to the very center. The life is like a seed. In itself it is not enough. You will have to work hard so the seed sprouts, becomes a tree and comes to bloom.” – Osho

Truth is freedom

“Remember, until you become a buddha you have wasted your life. Buddhahood is your flowering, your fragrance. A tree is fulfilled when it blooms, and a man is fulfilled when he releases the fragrance of buddhahood, when he becomes luminous; then he comes to know who he is. In knowing that, all is known. In knowing that, God is known. In knowing that, truth is achieved you become the truth, and truth liberates.
Truth is freedom.” – Osho

Religion is a love affair with existence.

“Religion is a love affair with existence. It is not out of fear, it is out of love that real prayer arises. It is not that god is powerful, that we have to bow down to him, but that he is pure friendliness, pure love, the fragrance of love and nothing else.” – Osho

To be in tune with yourself is the only way to be in tune with existence.

“If you can become just your own self, if you can blossom into your intrinsic nature, then only you will have blissfulness a peace which cannot be expressed in words, and a certain poetry to your being; a certain dance to your being, because you will be in tune with existence.
To be in tune with yourself is the only way to be in tune with existence.” – Osho

Osho Quotes / Osho Says

  • Osho Quotes on Love
  • Osho Quotes on Prayer
  • Osho Quotes on God
  • Osho Quotes on Freedom
  • Osho Quotes on Mind
  • Osho Quotes on Peace
  • Osho Quotes on Happiness
  • Osho Quotes on Meditation
  • Osho Quotes on Silence 

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