There is no God somewhere outside
“There is no God somewhere outside you, and there is no need to create any temple because you are His temple already. The whole search is with inwards. And on…
God is nothing but your heart exploding in total rejoicing
“God is nothing but your heart exploding in total rejoicing, your being radiating with the rhythm of existence.” – Osho
God is not against life
“God is not against life, god is life; god is not against beauty, god is the ultimate beauty. God is the very heart of existence and god is the creator.…
God is not a person
God is not a person but only the presence. Feel it now! If you can ever feel it you can only feel it now — now or never. – Osho
God is nothing but life in its true colors
“God is nothing but life in its true colors, life in its true music, life in its true celebration.” – Osho
One has to praise god existentially
“One has to praise god existentially, not intellectually. Every fibre of your being has to pulsate with joy, every cell of your being has to dance in prayer. When you…
Open all the doors, all the windows.
“Open all the doors, all the windows. Let the sun and the rains and the wind come. Let God come in as many ways as he wants: through music, through…
God is the seer in you
"God has not to happen to you. God has happened because you are alive. What is life? Who is breathing in you and who is conscious in you? God is not to be known, God is the knower. God is not the object that you have to see, God is the SEER in you. This is the most fundamental thing I would like you to remember." - Osho
Either move through love, and you will attain to God
“Either move through love, and you will attain to God, or move through God, and you will attain to love. They come together; it is one package.” – Osho
A religious life.
“And that is what I call a religious life: when truth starts living through you, when God starts dancing through you and you don’t create any barrier for him and…