Life certainly is an art
“Life certainly is an art, the greatest art. And the shortest formula is choiceless awareness applicable to all situations, all problems.” – Osho
Listen to life
“Listen to life, listen to its call, listen to its great temptation, listen to its invocation, listen to its challenge and be courageous, and each moment God will be revealed…
Life is not somewhere waiting for you
“Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is here now, this…
Life is the greatest teacher
“Life is the greatest teacher. It prepares everybody to take the ultimate jump from darkness to light.” – Osho
Anything that makes one sing, dance, laugh, love, is part of life.
“Life belongs to those people who are non-calculative. Life does not belong to arithmetic — it belongs to art. Life is known only through being sensitive, aesthetic, vulnerable. Life cannot…
To know life
To know life is not to know about life. To know life is to live life in intensity, with passion, with totality; that’s the only way to know life. By…
Life happens only when you start encountering the present
“Life happens only when you start encountering the present. You become aware. Your life starts being new when you respond to the present. And the response has to be completely…
Life has to be lived as a song and not as a syllogism.
“Life has to be lived as a song and not as a syllogism. Life has to be transformed into music, into rhythm, into love; only then one comes closer to…
God is not against life
“God is not against life, god is life; god is not against beauty, god is the ultimate beauty. God is the very heart of existence and god is the creator.…
Life happens only when you start encountering the present.
“Life happens only when you start encountering the present. You become aware. Your life starts being new when you respond to the present. And the response has to be completely…