The day you realize yourself, your very being becomes love
“The day you realize yourself, your very being becomes love. It is no longer a relationship, it is no longer addressed to anyone in particular; it is simply overflowing in…
At the center, be meditative, at the circumference be loving
“At the center, be meditative, at the circumference be loving; and you will see the whole existence change. It is the same existence but you are changing, as you change,…
Purify your love and it becomes prayer.
“Purify your love and it becomes prayer. Purify your intelligence and it becomes your wisdom. Purify yourself completely and you become one with the whole. And to be one with…
With love, polarity disappears.
“With love, polarity disappears. Love is more like friendship. You can love a tree, you can love a rock, you can love the stars, you can love the grass, you…
Love is the most healing force in the world.
“Love is the most healing force in the world. Nothing goes deeper than love: it heals not only the body, not only the mind but also the soul. If you…
Love is the secret key
“A lover is absolutely patient, and enjoys the very seeking, the very existence. His goal is not in the future, he is immersed in the moment, in the immediate —…
Let love become a help for your spiritual growth.
“Let love become a help for your spiritual growth. Let love become a nourishment to your heart and a courage so that you can open your heart, not only to…
Whenever love opens in your heart…
“Whenever love opens in your heart, the fragrance goes to the feet of God. it may take any route: it may go through your child, through your wife, through your…