God is nothing but life in its true colors
“God is nothing but life in its true colors, life in its true music, life in its true celebration.” – Osho
Silence is all that is needed
“Silence is all that is needed, and everything else follows on its own accord.” – Osho
Buddhahood is your flowering, your fragrance.
“Remember, until you become a buddha you have wasted your life. Buddhahood is your flowering, your fragrance. A tree is fulfilled when it blooms, and a man is fulfilled when…
Religion is a love affair with existence
“Religion is a love affair with existence. It is not out of fear, it is out of love that real prayer arises. It is not that god is powerful, that…
Become just your own self
“If you can become just your own self, if you can blossom into your intrinsic nature, then only you will have blissfulness a peace which cannot be expressed in words,…
The universe comes to you when you are relaxed
“The universe comes to you when you are relaxed, because then you are vulnerable, open all doors open. From anywhere, God is welcome. But you are not praying, and you…
One has to praise god existentially
“One has to praise god existentially, not intellectually. Every fibre of your being has to pulsate with joy, every cell of your being has to dance in prayer. When you…
Love is a door
“Love has made people fall and love has made people rise high. It all depends on what you have done with love. Love is a very mysterious phenomenon. It is…
The man who knows himself
“The man who knows himself has no questions to ask. The man who knows himself knows exactly what has to be done, and there is no question of choosing. Whatever…
Accept yourself
When you accept yourself, suddenly you accept everybody. A person who rejects himself cannot accept existence. How can you accept existence which made you? The moment you accept yourself, everything…