Accept yourself
“If you can accept yourself, you have learned the greatest secret of life, and then everything comes on its own. Just be yourself.” – Osho
Love your body, respect your body.
“Love your body, respect your body. In that very respect you will love others’ bodies and you will respect others’ bodies. In that respect you will respect the very earth…
Open all the doors, all the windows.
“Open all the doors, all the windows. Let the sun and the rains and the wind come. Let God come in as many ways as he wants: through music, through…
Sannyas is not renunciation
“Sannyas is not renunciation, its a way to live life in its totality and intensity. Its the art of living life in all its dimensions, in all its richness.” –…
Laughter is the real religion
“Laughter is the real religion. Everything else is just metaphysics. Laughter is true religion because it will bring you closer and closer to life. In great laughter the ego disappears…
Once you know your supreme value
“Once you know your supreme value, you have become mature; and once you know your supreme value, you know the supreme value of all: all beings are Buddhas — nobody…
“Witnessing the mind moving in one direction and the heart in another is a great experience. Experience that you are neither of them. You can remain above and they cannot…
The first function of a Master
“The first function of a Master is to look into your potentiality because that is decisive — not your armour, not your character, not you on the surface, but you…
Compassion is unconditional
“Compassion is unconditional. It only knows how to give. It never thinks to whom , whomsoever is available, is ready to take, is receptive.” – Osho
Love the world
“Love the world, and don’t be attached. Be in the world, but don’t be of the world — that is what renunciation is. That’s what I call sannyas: a great…