Meditation is nothing but enjoying your beautiful aloneness
“Meditation is nothing but enjoying your beautiful aloneness. Celebrating yourself; that’s what meditation is all about.” ~ Osho

Happiness needs no cause.
“Happiness needs no cause. It is your simple nature, you are intrinsically happy. No cause, no purpose, no goal is needed. Life is in itself enough. It needs nothing else…

The day you realize yourself, your very being becomes love
“The day you realize yourself, your very being becomes love. It is no longer a relationship, it is no longer addressed to anyone in particular; it is simply overflowing in…

The only way to change the world…
“The only way to change the world is to change the level of consciousness and that you can do only in yourself. It cannot be done to anybody else from…

Unless God is realized
“Unless God is realized, your life has been a wastage. And that is your capacity, your potential the realization of the divineness of existence. Just a little taste and your…

Open your wondering eyes again
“The day your wondering eyes closed, God became nonexistential to you. Open your wondering eyes again, and you will find him pulsating again. He’s very close by… he’s all around…

This freedom is your glory.
“Life in itself is an empty canvas… It becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery ; you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory…” Osho

At the center, be meditative, at the circumference be loving
“At the center, be meditative, at the circumference be loving; and you will see the whole existence change. It is the same existence but you are changing, as you change,…

Purify your love and it becomes prayer.
“Purify your love and it becomes prayer. Purify your intelligence and it becomes your wisdom. Purify yourself completely and you become one with the whole. And to be one with…

Truth is attained by understanding your life
“Truth is original, and to attain to it you have to be original too. Truth is not attained by following somebody, truth is attained by understanding your life. Truth is…