Prayer is blissful when it is an expression of gratitude
“Prayer is blissful when it is an expression of gratitude, with no demands, with no complaints.” – Osho
A real prayer
“A real prayer has nothing to suggest to God except a deep gratitude, thankfulness. It simply accepts whatsoever God is pouring. Prayer is receiving the gift.” – Osho

Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed
“Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed. Sitting silently, looking at the trees, suddenly it is there. Sometimes it comes; sometimes it does not…

Prayer is like love
“Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed. Sitting silently, looking at the trees, suddenly it is there. Sometimes it comes; sometimes it does not…

Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed.
“Prayer has not really to be done. It has only to be allowed. Sitting silently, looking at the trees, suddenly it is there. Sometimes it comes; sometimes it does not…

On the path of prayer you are to be drunk
“On the path of prayer you are to be drunk; on the path of meditation you have to be alert. In both the ways the ego disappears. If you are…

Prayer is not a technique
“Prayer is not a technique, it is not a ritual, it is not a formality. There is no pattern to it. It is a spontaneous outpouring of the heart.” –…

All prayer arises out of gratefulness
All prayer arises out of gratefulness, and when you are grateful, grace descends. In gratefulness man becomes receptive. The grace is always coming but we are not receptive; when we…